New Additions: 100

Visit to Australia


Just recently my partner Inge and I did a holiday trip on Tasmania and the southern part of the Australian mainland. On Tasmania I had the opportunity, with the kind permission of the owner Adam Wright, to roam for a day on the dumps of the Adelaide mine, searching for good crocoite crystals. And with much success as you can see on the photo.  In Melbourne we had lunch with Steve Sorrell, who is the host of the monthly Micromount Zoom Sessions, that I am part of. And another highlight was a visit to the South-Australian Museum, where I met two people in person with whom I already had online contacts for quite some time, John Toma and Peter Elliott - they are solely responsible for the fact that I have so many great Australian microminerals in my collection. Together with them I was allowed to check out the reference mineral collection from the museum, that is not open to the general public. For sure that was a treat: I saw many amazing specimens.  Thank you all very much, guys !